Thursday, July 16, 2009


So it has now been over 3 weeks since I got layed off... I am actually getting into a pattern. Which is not the greatest. I really want to go back to work soon. Tony found this job in town that would be really fun but I have to get certified in order to get it... I am thinking about going back to school....I think that would be fantastic but I am worried about the financial side of everything.

This week has kept me busy though. I have a friend staying with us..Love having company. It is also BBQ Days weekend so I have been working really hard on getting the stand set up for the Auxiliary! It is going to be a crazy weekend but I am really looking forward to it! Off to run some errands! Have a fabulous weekend! Thanks for reading!

<3 Kristi

Friday, July 10, 2009

Being Layed off....

So it has been almost 2 weeks and I am going stir crazy!!! I have applied to at least 4 places a day and have heard nothing back on any of them. Being layed off has given me time for self reflection and I have to say that I am really feeling better about myself... I am bummed that I am not working but I have other things that I can do with my time. I am actually going to start working on a quilt for Tony's neice Ayana...and I am going to start working on projects for my friend and her little one and also for my Big Brother and his wonderful wife who are expecting their first baby!!! I am sooo excited to be an auntie! I am going to get started on Ayana's stuff now...

Have a fantastic weekend!!
